Levo Health leverages instantaneous digital communications to better engage with potential patients. Our Patient Live Chat Engagement program integrates with CRM software to provide patient engagement professionals with comprehensive patient profiles to gauge each patient’s level of interest.
Industries like retail and hospitality were some of the first sectors to embrace the power of live chat. These early adopters saw the value in leveraging and shaping the consumer buying experience by providing the consumer with an immediate customer service representative. The healthcare industry is usually the last to adapt to new technology, and live chat is no exception.
Why is Live Chat Important?
Live chat allows businesses to manage and shape their relationships with their customers. Customers engaged through live chat are three times more likely to return to your website than a user who wasn’t engaged. Many live chat software platforms capture key demographic information, i.e., referring websites, time on the website, page views, city, and what products or services they are looking at on each website. This information can be used better to optimize any current and future marketing/advertising campaigns to ensure the correct audience is reached.
Levo Health understands the importance of integrating live chat within our brand and into our client’s brands. Potential patients who engage via live chat are seven times more likely to convert than regular web visitors. Great customer experience leads to an increase in retention, referrals, and loyalty. Patients are more likely to shop around with health insurance premiums at an all-time high. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to increase your patient care.
As a Premiere Google Partner, Levo Health is in the top 3% of all advertising agencies running ads through the Google Ads Platform. Levo Health is held to higher standards than other healthcare marketing agencies. Levo Health provides Healthcare Companies, Hospitals, Surgery Centers, Medical Practices, and Doctors with data-driven healthcare marketing, sales, and operations.