Using LinkedIn Video Marketing to Boost Your Healthcare Practice

Healthcare professionals are constantly seeking innovative ways to connect with their audience and establish a robust online presence. LinkedIn, a platform traditionally associated with corporate networking, has emerged as a pivotal tool in healthcare marketing. With its unique blend of professional networking and content sharing, LinkedIn offers healthcare organizations an unparalleled opportunity to engage with their target audience. One of the most effective ways to harness this potential? Video marketing.

LinkedIn and its Role in Healthcare Marketing

LinkedIn has evolved from a mere job-seeking platform to a hub for professionals across industries to share insights, news, and opportunities. For healthcare professionals, it’s a space to showcase expertise, connect with peers, and engage with potential patients or clients.

Why Use Videos on LinkedIn?

  • Engagement: Videos are known to generate 20x more shares than other content types on LinkedIn.
  • Visibility: LinkedIn’s algorithm often prioritizes video content, leading to increased visibility and reach.
  • Authenticity: Videos allow healthcare professionals to convey their message in a more personal and authentic manner, building trust with the audience.

Types of Videos Healthcare Organizations Can Use on LinkedIn

Crafting the right video marketing content can set your healthcare practice apart. Here are some video types that resonate well with LinkedIn audiences:

Company Overview

A company overview video serves as a digital handshake, introducing your healthcare organization to the world. It should encapsulate your mission, values, and services. By incorporating patient testimonials and highlighting unique selling points, you can create a compelling narrative that resonates with both potential patients and other healthcare professionals.

Purpose: Introduce your healthcare organization, its mission, values, and services.

Tips: Keep it concise, incorporate patient testimonials, and highlight unique selling points.

Recruiting/Hiring Videos

Attracting top talent is crucial. Recruiting videos offer a glimpse into your organization’s culture and values. By showcasing the real-life experiences of your staff, highlighting growth opportunities, and giving a behind-the-scenes look at a day in the life at your facility, you can appeal to potential employees on a personal and professional level.

Purpose: Attract top talent by showcasing your organization’s culture and values.

Tips: Feature employee testimonials, day-in-the-life segments, and highlight growth opportunities.

Announcement Videos

Whether you’re introducing a new provider, unveiling cutting-edge medical technology, or expanding your services, announcement videos are a dynamic way to share these updates. They should be crafted to be newsworthy, with visuals of the new addition in action and a clear explanation of the benefits they bring to patients.

Purpose: Share updates about new providers, medical technology, or services.

Tips: Make it newsworthy, use visuals of the new technology or provider in action, and explain the benefits.

Awards/Practice News

Recognition in the healthcare industry is not just an accolade; it’s a testament to the quality and dedication of your practice. When sharing awards or practice news, it’s essential to provide context. Discuss the significance of the award, the journey leading up to it, and its impact on patient care. This not only celebrates the achievement but also reinforces trust in your practice.

Purpose: Celebrate achievements and keep your network informed about your practice’s milestones.

Tips: Share the story behind the award, thank your team, and discuss its impact on patient care.

Explainer Videos

With the vast amount of medical information available online, patients are often looking for clear, reliable insights. Explainer videos can break down complex medical procedures, conditions, or healthcare tips into digestible content. By using simple language, visuals, or animations and keeping the focus on patient-centric information, you can position your practice as a trusted educational resource.

Purpose: Educate your audience about specific medical procedures, conditions, or healthcare tips.

Tips: Use simple language, incorporate visuals or animations, and keep it patient-centric.

The Native Advantage: Posting Directly on LinkedIn vs. Third-party Links

While sharing third-party video links is common, uploading videos directly to LinkedIn (native posting) offers distinct advantages:

Auto-play: Native videos automatically play in the feed, grabbing immediate attention.

Better Analytics: LinkedIn provides detailed metrics for native videos, helping you understand viewer engagement.

Higher Engagement: Native videos often receive more comments, shares, and likes than third-party links.

Ready to Elevate Your LinkedIn Video Strategy?

Harness the power of LinkedIn video marketing to amplify your healthcare practice’s online presence. At Levo Health, we specialize in crafting compelling video content tailored to resonate with your target audience. Let’s collaborate and make your healthcare brand stand out on LinkedIn. Reach out to us today!

LEVO Health Staff

LEVO Health explores the latest business trends through the lens of patients, practice managers, physicians, and sales and marketing professionals.