LEVO’s Unique Office Pays Tribute to History of Healthcare

When LEVO moved into our new Tampa office space in late 2019, we were excited to have a building that reflected our continued growth as a company. However, we knew the bare, white walls needed to be upgraded to fit our employees’ creative personalities and company culture. 

We hired local Tampa artist, Carlos Pons, to enhance our space with large, colorful murals that paid tribute to the history of healthcare and the individuals who helped shape it into the innovative industry it is today. 

Watching our murals go up as we worked was a truly mesmerizing experience. Nothing motivated our team more to push the healthcare industry forward than seeing where it’s been and imagining where it’s going. 

Concept Behind the Murals

The murals feature a timeline of healthcare innovation, highlighting past, present and future alike! 

From the invention of artificial heart replacements and the discovery of penicillin to the utilization of robotic surgery and breakthrough virtual reality, the murals cover a variety of healthcare milestones. 

LEVO clients will be familiar with the mural in our conference room, perhaps one of our largest and most comprehensive pieces overall. The concept covers women who have impacted the healthcare industry, starting as early as the 4th century with Agnodice, the first female physician in ancient Athens. 

Creative Mission

At LEVO, we love working in the creative space that these murals help define. Our diverse team of businesses-minded individuals with strong creative personalities works together to understand our clients’ needs and bring their creative vision to life.

If you’re interested in building your brand, with the healthcare marketing experts at LEVO Health, call 855-234-0232 or visit our contact page.


About LEVO Health Staff

LEVO Health explores the latest business trends through the lens of patients, practice managers, physicians, and sales and marketing professionals.

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